
                 Vigilance Branch was initially established in the office of the IGP Rajasthan in Police Headquarter in 1976 under Director Vigilance (Police) vide Govt.order dated 16-10-1976. Govt.order dated 16-12-76 laid down the powers, jurisdiction, nature of complaints to be dealt by the Director and procedure to be followed by Vigilance Branch. Later on, vide Govt.order dated 15-1-1977, this post was redesignated as 'Addl. IGP (Police vigilance) Rajasthan, Jaipur. The State Government created a new post of Additional IGP C.I.D.(Crime & vigilance) vide order dated 09.04.1981. Since 18-3-1999, the Vigilance Branch is being headed by an officer of the rank of Additional Director General of Police. The Vigilance Branch deals with complaints against police officers/personnel regarding non-registration of F.I.R., use of third-degree methods, corruption in police, misconduct which will include drinking on duty and misbehavior with citizens. On receipt of such complaints inquiries are conducted, relevant records are scrutinized and appropriate departmental action is initiated against the delinquents. The Branch also monitors departmental enquiries, suspension cases, prosecution sanctions, appeals and vigilance clearance for police officers.


Section-4 (1) B (I)



Functions of the Vigilance Branch are as follows :

Departmental vigilance, enquiries into complaints from vigilance point view and consequential Departmental Enquiries. The Vigilance Branch enquires into complaints against police personnel on the following subjects :-

  • Non registration of cases.
  • Use of third-degree methods.
  • Corruption in police.
  • Misconduct which will include drinking on duty.
  • Misbehavior with citizens.


Section-4 (1) B (II)

Power Duties of its Officers Employees

A- The vigilance branch primarily deals with complaints against police personnel/officers.
       (1) Minor complaint are sent to unit heads for necessary action at their level.
       (2) Important complaints sent for enquiry report from concerned unit Head.
       (3) Complaints with serious allegations are directly enquired by Officers of vigilance branch.

B - After receiving inquiry report :-
       (1) Processing of Enquiry report is done & decision taken.
       (2) If charges proved, disciplinary action under C.C.A. Rules is initiated .
       (3) Processing of Enquiry report is done & decision taken.

C- Monitoring of Departmental Enquiries under C.C.A. Rules pending with field units.

D- Monitoring of suspension cases of police personnel.

E- Police personnel submit appeals to D.G.P. Rajasthan against punishment given by Range level competent authority. Vigilance branch processes and submits the same for decision by D.G.P.

F- In corruption cases regd. under P.C. Act 1988, A.C.B. sends proposals for grant of prosecution sanction under section 19 of P.C. Act. On the receipt of such prosecution sanction cases from A.C.B., the same are processed put up before D.G.P. for decision.

F- In corruption cases regd. under P.C. Act 1988, A.C.B. sends proposals for grant of prosecution sanction under section 19 of P.C. Act. On the receipt of such prosecution sanction cases from A.C.B., the same are processed put up before D.G.P. for decision.

G- Vigilance clearance is accorded for Promotions / Medals / Passports for Police Personnel/officers.

 Section-4 (1) B (III)

Procedures followed in decision making

1- On receipt of complaints :-

A.   If found to be anonymous and baseless, it is filed.

B.   If allegations are of minor nature, it is referred   to the concerned unit head for necessary action at his level.

C. If allegations are of serious nature, either call report from the concerned unit head or enquiry conducted at vigilance level. 

2.           On receipt of enquiry report, either from unit head or by the officer of vigilance branch, it goes through different levels of scrutiny  and then submitted  to A.D.G.P.(Vig.) for decision.  Looking into the gravity  of matter / rank of officer involved, it is also put up before D.G.P., if required.

3.           On enquiry and processing :-

A.         If allegations are disproved,  complaint file is closed.

B.          If the allegations proved are of minor nature, written warning is issued or  departmental action under rule 17 CCA is initiated.

C.          If the allegations proved are of major / serious nature, departmental action under rule 16 CCA is initiated. Suspension /transfer from field to police  lines may also be proposed.

D.         In matters of non-registration of F.I.R., directions issued for registration of cases.

E.          In serious matters of corruption and disproportionate assets, complaints forwarded  to A.C.B.


 Section-4 (1) B (V)

Circulars/Orders related to Vigilance Branch



Act/ Rules / Orders / Circulars



Rajasthan Civil Services (classification, control & appeal) Rules 1958.

For departmental enquiry


Rajasthan Civil Services (Conduct) rules 1971

Reg. conduct of public servants.


ORDER / No. N.4(1) Police(A) Cir/ Dop/83/3456 Date-27-12-83

Reg. authority to whom appeals shall lie against the order passed by subordinate authorities imposing any penalty. 


The Prevention of Corruption Act 1988

Law for prevention of corruption against govt. servants. P.S. decided under section 19 of Act.


ifji= @ i&2¼31½dkfeZd@d&3@96 fn0 31-12-96


jkT; deZpkfj;ks ds fo:} U;k;ky; esa vfHk;kstu ds lkFk&lkFk foHkkxh; tkap py jgh gks rFkk vkjksi ,d leku gks] muesa dh tkus okyh dk;Zokgh ds lEcU/k esaA


CIRCULAR / No.F.4(6)Dop/A-3/78 Dated 13 July 2001

Reg. police personnel facing criminal  charges/ departmental  inquiry under rule 16 C.C.A.on account  of embezzlement, misappropriation of funds, causing financial loss to the state govt., and serious financial irregularities, not to be given field postings. 


ifji= @i&1¼157½dkfeZd@d&3@97 fn0 10-08-2001

yksdlsodksa ds vijkf/kd izdj.kksa esa fuyEcu ,oa fuyEcu ls cgkyh ds laCka/k esa funsZ’k A


ifji= @ i&2¼2½¼48½dkfeZd@d&3@ 2002 fn0 24-6-2002

csukeh f’kdk;rksa dks fcuk fdlh dk;Zokgh ds uLrhc} fd;k tk;sA dkYifud@Nn~euke ls dh xbZ f’kdk;rksa dks Hkh fcuk fdlh dk;Zokgh ds uLrhc) fd;k tkuk pkfg;sA lansg dh fLFkfr esa ,slh f’kdk;rksa dk lR;kiu Hkh djok;k tk ldrk gSA ;fn f’kdk;rdrkZ ls lEidZ ugh fd;k tk lds ;k fuf’pr le; esa f’kdk;r drkZ ls mRrj izkIr ugha gks rks ;g le> ysuk pkfg;s fd f’kdk;r dkYifud@Nn~uke ls gS rFkk mls uLrhc) dj nsuk pkfg;sA



ifji= @ i&9¼2½¼2½dkfeZd@d&3@ tkap@99@ikVZ&1 fn0 26-6-2002

jkT; lsokvksa ds vf/kdkjhx.k ds fo:} py jgh foHkkxh; tkapks dks le;c) rjhds ls fuiVkus gssrq funsZ’kA



ORDER / H-21(2)Police(A) GEN/1140 Date  02-06-2004

The Vigilance Branch shall enquire into complaints against police on the following subjects:-

1. Non Registration of cases.

2. Use of third degree methods.

3. Corruption  in Police.

4. Misconduct which willinclude drinking on duty.

5. Misbehavior with citizens


CORRIGENDUM TO STANDING ORDER / A-21(2) POLICE-A/GAZ/96/ 2492   Date 08-09-2005

In modification of Standing Order No 2/99 and subsequent orders issued from time to time regarding allocation of work to the various officers of  Police Headquarters, Departmental enquiries, suspensions and reinstatement of personnel shall be dealt by Addl. D.G.P.(Vigilance) in addition to his existing duties. Addl. S.P. (D.E.) and D.E. Section of the PHQ will work under the supervision of Addl. D.G.P. (Vigilance).


ifji= @ i&1¼32½dkfeZd@d&3@2007 fn0 20-8-2007

lsok fuo`Ÿk ,oa 'kh?kz gh lsokfuo`Ÿk gksus okys jktlsodksa ds fo:} vuq’kklukRed dk;Zokgh izkjEHk djus ds lUnHkZ esa fn’kk funsZ’kA


CIRCULAR / No. 2644-48 Date 5-5-2008

Circular reg. repeated misconduct to be made part of charge sheet and be kept in mind while deciding D.E.


i=@v&21¼37½iquZ-@tu-@2008@1332&41 fn0 17-09-2008

Reg. sanctioned strength of Vigilance Branch.



ORDER / NO-P 11(7)Home-1/2007 Date 15 -09-2009

Reg. sanctioned strength of Vigilance Branch.



ifji= @i&1¼157½dkfeZd@d&3@97 fn0 7-7-2010

yksdlsodksa ds vijkf/kd izdj.kksa esa fuyEcu ,oa fuyEcu ls cgkyh ds laCka/k esa funsZ”k A


vkKk @ i&6¼23½dkfeZd@iz-lq-@vuq-&3@99 fn0


Ikathc) vkijkf/kd izdj.kksa esa fuyfEcr fd;s x;s v/khuLFk lsok ds jktlsodksa ds ekeyksa dk iqufoZyksdu djus gsrq lnL;kas dh lfefr ds xBu ds lEcU/k esaA

Section-4(1) B(VII)

Arrangements for consultation /representations from public

Senior officers of Branch are always available to receive representations /petitions of public and attend to their suggestions.



Section-4(1) B(IX)








Shri P.K.Vyas

ADGP (Vig.)



IGP (Vig.)



Shri  M.P. Yadav

S.P. (Vig.)

0141-2609841(Fax Number)


Shri  Raj Kumar Gupta

Addl. S.P. (Vig.)

PBX NO.0141-2606111

& Ext. 572


Shri  Narendra Singh Meena

Addl. S.P. (DE.)

PBX NO.0141-2606111

& Ext.  558


Shri Subh Ram

Dy. S.P.

PBX No. 0141- 2606111

&Ext. 603



Section-4(1) B(XVI)

Name & Post of State Public Information Officer

Inspector General of Police,
C.I.D.(C.B.), Raj., Jaipur
Tel. No.- 0141- 2602638