Guidance to Foreigners Visiting Rajasthan (India)

  1. Introduction
  2. Registration of Foreigners
  3. Foreigners Registration Officers (FROs) in Rajasthan
  4. Registration of Foreigners
  5. Visa Extension
  6. Fee for Visa
  7. Extention of VISA of a Foreigner marrying to an Indian Spouse
  8. Residential Permit
  9. Production of Proof of Identity and Certificate of Registration
  10. Report of Absence from Address
  11. Report of change of Registered Address
  12. Report to be made to and by Hotel Keeper
  13. Pakistani Nationals
  14. For Tourists Safety

1. Introduction: Like any other country, Government of India also regulates the entry, presence and departure of every foreigner to and from India. The Foreigners Act and the Foreigners Rules provide the regulatory code of conduct for foreigners.

2. Registration of Foreigners : Government of India has entrusted all the State (Provincial) Governments with the functions of regulating entry, presence and departure of foreigners.

3. Foreigners Registration Officers (FROs) in Rajasthan : Government of Rajasthan has designated all District Superintendents of Police as Foreigners Registration Officers (FROs) for their respective districts. However, in the cities of Ajmer, Bharatpur, Bikaner, Jaipur, Jodhpur, Kota and Udaipur the Zone Officers of State Special Branch located in these cities exercise the powers of FRO. Similarly in Barmer and Jaisalmer towns, the powers of FRO are exercised by Additional Superintendents of Police , Border Intelligence located in these towns. The Superintendents of Police of these eight districts exercise the powers of FRO in the whole of their districts except the district headquarters cities/towns.

Sr.No. Name of Officer Address Telephone Number
1 Zone Officer, Jaipur City Near City Palace, Jalebi Chowk O-2618508 R-2421492
2 Zone Officer, Jodhpur High Court Campus O-2650808 R-2545003
3 Zone Officer, Ajmer (Ajmer City & Pushkar) Naya Bazar, Infront of Kotwali Police Station O-0145-2622400 R-0145-2631200
4 Zone Officer, Udaipur Collectorate Campus O-2410202 R-2434070
5 Zone Officer, Kota Superintendent of Police /FRO, CID (Int.) Zone Kota O-0744-2350805
6 Zone Officer, BikANER Adrash Police Colony Near Over Bridge O-2226149 R-2543080
7 Zone Officer, Bharatpur New Hospital infront of STC College O-222988 R-231222
8 Zone Officer, Sriganganagar Police Line, Sriganganagar O-154-2440652
9 B.I.Barmer Collectorate Campus O-220617 R-220037
10 B.I.Jaiselmer Sum Road O-252334 R-251434

4. Registration of Foreigners:

Foreigners should submit their applications alongwith the registration forms with full details to the FRO concerned. For the foreigners holding visas valid upto 180 days registration and leave India permission are not required. Foreigners having visas for more than 180 days should get themselves registered within 14 days of arrival in India. However, Pakistani nationals should report their arrival within 24 hrs. and all Afghan nationals are required to register themselves within 14 days of arrival in India irrespective of their visa validity. Delay in registration will make them liable for a penalty of US 30 $ each.

Extension of visa beyond 180 days will require registration. Children below 16 years of age are exempted from registration. However, they are required to obtain residential permit and extension of stay. Foreigners having special endorsements in their visas do not require registration and departure clearance for visits upto six months/ 180 days, but registration and leave India permission are required if their stay exceeds six months/ 180 days./p>

Application forms are available free of cost at FRO's office. Adults and minors should submit 4 and 2 photographs respectively. Proof of address (ration card, telephone bill, electricity bill etc.) and undertaking letter of landlord or the person with whom the foreigner is staying should be submitted. Two sets of passport and visa copies should be enclosed with the forms.

Foreign students visiting on student visa should submit bona fide study certificate of a recognized institution alongwith bank account statement and rental deed.

Foreigners visiting on business visa should submit the Reserve Bank of India permission. Foreigners on employment visa should submit the employment agreement papers/ undertaking of the employer or company.

On registration, the FRO issues the foreigners with a registration certificate and residential permit. Residential permit is not compulsory for minors. However, when the minor requires extension of visa, he/ she has to obtain a residential permit.

5. Visa Extension :

Visa Extension process is online.

The foreigners from the following countries are exempted from visa and visa extension fee.

  • Afghanisthan
  • Argentina
  • Bangladesh
  • Jamaica
  • Maldives
  • Mauritius
  • Mongalia
  • Poland
  • Slovak Republic
  • South Africa
  • Swedon

6. Fee for Visa :

  • Transit Visa (valid for 15 days-single/double entry)--US $ 20
  • Student Visa (valid for the duration of the course or for the period of five years, whichever is less--multiple entry) US $ 75
  • All kinds of visas other than transit and students visas valild upto 6 months (multiple entry )--US $ 80
  • All kinds of visas other than transit and student visas valild for over 6 months and upto 1 year (multiple entry)--US $ 120
  • All kinds of visas other than transit and student visas valid for over 1 year and upto 5 years (multiple entry)--US $ 200

7. Extention of VISA of a Foreigner marrying to an Indian Spouse: A foreigner, who while on tour in India, gets married to an Indian spouse can apply for extension of visa. The FRO concerned shall take two sets of attested copies of the marriage certificate alongwith the application and photocopies of travel documents and relevant fees.

8. Residential Permit : Every foreigner who enters India on the authority of a visa issued in pursuance of the Indian Passport Act 1920, shall obtain residential permit from the Foreigner Registration Officer having jurisdiction at that place, a registration report indicating the period during which he is authorized to say in India and place or places for stay specified in the visa.

9. Production of Proof of Identity and Certificate of Registration : Every foreigner will produce his passport or any other proof as may be required for his identity, or certificate of registration at the places specified by the FRO , Magistrate or Police Officer not below the rank of head constable for any purpose concerned with the enforcement of these rules. The officer concerned can relax the time limit.

A foreigner who surrenders his passport or other proof identity or certificate of registration shall be entitled to receive a receipt of it from the FRO , Police Officer or Magistrate to whom the document is surrendered.

10. Report of Absence from Address : If a foreigner has to leave the registered address for a continuous period of eight weeks or more before leaving, he has to submit a report to the FRO with details of registered address, full particulars of his itinerary, places of visit/ stay and the expected date of return. The FRO will make an endorsement on his permit to this effect.

11. Report of change of Registered Address : If any foreigner is about to change his registered Address, he will inform the FRO concerned. The FRO will make an endorsement on his Permit.

12. Report to be made to and by Hotel Keeper : If any foreigner is staying in a hotel/ guest house, the keeper has to submit a copy of the C form, duly filled, with the information furnished by the foreigner in respect of his passport visa, nationality etc as soon as may be, but not later than 24 hrs. of the arrival of the foreigner , to the FRO. If any foreigner is staying with his relatives, it is the duty of that person to give a report to the nearest police station or the FRO with full particulars of the foreigner. Non compliance of these instructions/ rules are punishable under section 5 of Registration of Foreigner Act, 1939. Under this provision, Indian citizens are liable for a fine up to Rupees 500 and foreigners are liable for imprisonment up to one year and fine up to Rupees 1000 or both.

13. Pakistani Nationals : Pak nationals on their arrival at their destination in Rajasthan have to report to FRO concerned within 24 hours of their arrival. After reporting they will be provided residential permit (RP) for the visa period by the FRO.

Pak nationals are required to have a visa for each place they want to visit . They can’t visit a place for which they don’t have valid visa. While visiting India, Pak nationals must report to the FRO of the place for which visa is issued. The visa of Pak nationals also mention the name of the place, relatives and addresses where he is required to stay. Those relatives have to furnish affidavits on non judicial stamp paper, taking guarantee of timely production and ensuring proper departure of the Pak national. For any violation of visa conditions, both the Pak national and his guarantor are made accountable. If these provisions are violated a police case can be registered under Foreigners Report to the Police Order, 1971. The guarantor has to ensure that the Pak national pays due respect to the institutions established under Indian Constitution. Against any untoward mischief by the Pak national visiting India his guarantor has to give sureties upto Rs. 50,000/- . If a Pak national absconds, a criminal case can be registered against him and the guarantor under Foreigners Act. Report to the Police Order, 1971 and they are liable for a punishment of imprisonment upto 5 years and fine.

For any unforeseen reason if a Pak national visiting India is in an utmost urgency to visit a new place, other than those mentioned in his travel documents, then the FRO concerned, after proper enquiry and satisfaction, can recommend his case to the State Government for addition of the new place of visit to his visa.


FROs in the State/ UTs are empowered to extend visa of such PAK Nationals/ Nationals of Pakistani origin and their attendants to a maximum period of three months (visa period plus total period of all extensions) who are undergoing medical treatment.
For the above extension the Pak National should submit an application along with a Challan/ D.D. of Rs. 100 towards visa fee and medical certificate. Attach Copy.

Grounds :

  • Serious illness of the Pakisthani national or his first degree relations.
  • Death or "chellam ceremony" of first or second degree relations.
  • Marriage of first degree relations or date changed after the arrival of the Pak nationals
  • Disruption of means of travel
  • For inclusion of the name of a newly born baby born during the visit of India.
  • For the above extension the Pak national should submit an application along with a challan of Rs. 15/- towards Visa fee.


Grant of visa to PAK-NATIONALS visiting INDIA is governed by the INDO-PAK Visa Agreement, 1994, as amended from time to time.This agreement applies to issue of only short-term visa. However, instructions have been issued from time to time in the past regarding grant of Long Term Visas (LTVs) to the following categories of Pak nationals:

(I) Member of minority communities in Pakistan (Hindus and Sikhs, Christians and Buddhists) ;
(II) Pak women married to Indian nationals and staying in India.
(III) Indian women married to Pak nationals and returning due to widowhood/ divorce and having no male
member to support her in Pakistan; and
(IV) Cases involving extreme compassion.
These cases first extensions are granted for a period of 6 months each and further extensions for 05 years at a time.
for 2 years at a time.


Application along with Form B, Guarantee ID and Affidavit, Indemnity bondm, challan/D.D./online payment Fee of Rs. 100/-, (if Minor child-gis/her parents give Agreement Affidavit), list of relatives in Pak/India, Three latest passport size photographs, photo copy of the valid Pak passport for further extension, If any, only application along with photo copies of valid Pak passport and Fee of Rs. 100/- have to be submitted.


For extension of visa on LTV basis, the Pak national has to submit an application along with form-B, guarantee ID and affidavit, indemnity bond, challan/D.D./online payment fee of Rs. 100/-, list of relatives in Pak/India, property Affidavit of Pak and India, marriage certificate, Her Husband Indian Nationality Certificate, Three latest passport size photographs, photo copy of the valid Pak passport for further extension, If any, only application along with photo copies of valid Pak passport and Fee of Rs. 100/- have to be submitted. After due enquiry of the genuineness, the proposal of extension of stay on LTVs is referred to the ?government of India of further action through Govt. of Rajasthan.


For extension of visa on LTV basis, the pak National has to submit an Application along with From B, Guarantee iD and Affidavit, Indemnity bond, challan/D./D./online payment Fee of Rs.100/-, list of relatives in Pak/India property Affidavit of Pak and India, Divorce certificate and death certificate, Orginal Indian Proof Three latest passport size photographs, photo copy of the valid pak passport for further extension, If any only application along with photo copies of valid pak passport and Fee of Rs. 100/- have to be submitted. After due enquiry of the genuineness, the proposal of extension of stay on LTVs is referred to the Government of India of further action through Govt. of Rajasthan.


Pak nationals who entered India through any check post, and going back to Pakistan through the same check post do not require any permission. If the Pak national intends to change the route at the time of return journey, he has to obtain permission from the State Government.

Detail information regarding foreigner and other service is available on website of Bureau of immigration of India.